Our Services
Sport Horse
We have unrivaled experience and expertise in looking after many kinds of equine athletes. This makes us your best choice in dealing with the various issues that may be experienced by your animal or to provide you with quality advice when considering purchasing a new horse.
Between our Cambridge and Taupo clinics, we are privileged to provide veterinary services for many of the top eventing, dressage and showjumping riders in the country in addition to sponsoring a number of riders.
Since 2012 we have provided veterinary support for the ESNZ Eventing Young Rider and Development squads in NZ as well as acting as team veterinarian for the Senior and Junior trans-Tasman competitions in New Zealand and Australia.

We have provided support to the showjumping and dressage squads and also have a treating veterinarian at many of the main events around the country in the equestrian sporting calendar.
Whether it’s eventing, dressage, showjumping, hacking, or pleasure riding, we adopt a caring and scientific approach to maintaining optimal performance and health for each discipline.
While providing the most advanced methods for investigation of lameness, or poor performance issues, we emphasize the importance of getting the basics right – nutrition, dentistry and farriery, for example. We provide you with sophisticated advice and treatment to achieve the ultimate health, well being and performance from your animal.
Cambridge Clinic:
Our facility boasts two concrete trot ups, a soft sand and hard rubber lunging surface plus an arena to enable horses to be assessed under saddle.
Taupo Clinic:
Our Taupo clinic has a hard surface for trot ups and arena upon which to conduct lameness of poor-performance workups.

Purchasing a Horse?
You may want to consider investing in a pre-purchase examination which are designed to provide information on the health and soundness of a horse that you are looking to buy.
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